Strategic Sustainability Consulting

Provides organizations with the tools they need to manage their social and environmental impacts

Strategic Sustainability Consulting provides organizations with the tools and expertise they need to actively manage their social and environmental impacts. We specialize in helping under-resourced organizations implement sustainable solutions usually reserved for large, multinational companies.

Why B Corp?

“We became a B Corp because we believe strongly in "walking our talk" and so joining this wonderful community of like-minded businesses was not just for our own benefit, but also as a way to promote sustainable business practices to our clients.”

Overview of Services

Strategic Sustainability Consulting provides organizations with the tools and expertise they need to actively manage their social and environmental impacts. They offer green auditing, sustainability assessment, carbon footprinting, sustainability reporting, life cycle analysis, and sustainability strategy development services.

Give Back

SSC donates more than 20% of its annual profits to charity and the company offers its employees over 20 hours per year paid time off for community service. Also, over 50% of the company's primary suppliers are independent and local and more than 75% of company's ownership is held within the local community.