Healthy Buildings International, Inc.

Our indoor air quality programs build value into our clients’ assets, retaining and attracting tenants and employees, improving productivity, reducing liability, and branding them in the marketplace as sustainability leaders. Energy benchmarking, audits and commissioning services ensure our clients’ buildings are running with minimum operating costs. Healthy Buildings has built a formidable reputation as the go-to specialists for technical LEED credits, helping building owners and LEED consultants alike ensure a smooth pathway to LEED certification. And our water savings programs are revolutionizing water use in buildings, often without expensive china replacements.

Why B Corp?

“We became a B Corp because it was a sound business decision for us. It communicates to our clients that we are a changed, serious and committed firm in our field. It was a truly business minded decision consistent with the Triple Bottom Line model.”

Overview of Services

Healthy Buildings works with building owners and managers to optimize indoor environments, increase operating efficiencies and lower business risks. The result is a more sustainable building and an improved bottom line for their clients.

Give Back

At Healthy Buildings, over 50% of primary suppliers are local or independent. Employees are reimbursed for continuing education expenses and given time-off to engage in volunteer activities.